Strengthening the Company's Cyber Resilience

Project Name: Strengthening Cyber Resilience of JATRO Ltd.

Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU

Project Description: The project "Strengthening Cyber Resilience of Jatro Ltd." addresses the issue of insufficient digitalization and automation of business processes. The general goal of the project is to increase the company’s competitiveness by improving the level of digitalization through the use of digital technologies in business operations. The target groups covered by the project activities are the company’s employees and clients. A key outcome of the project is enhanced security of clients' digital data, which will contribute to strengthening the company's market position and increasing competitiveness by creating secure digital products and services.

  • Project Beneficiary: Jatro Ltd.
  • Total Project Value: €12.500,00
  • Total Eligible Expenditure: €10.000,00
  • EU Co-financing of the Project: €7.000,00

The project implementation period spans from 12 June 2024 to 12 June 2025, totaling 12 months.

Contact for Further Information: Veljko Jardas,

"Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them."